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What is Google Meet?

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  5. What is Google Meet?

Google Meet Icon

Google Meet is a web conferencing tool which is included in Austin Community College’s Google Suite.  Google Meet is integrated with the Google calendar which includes an Invite option with a link to join the Google Meet  Participants can turn on a closed caption option.  Google Meet meetings may be recorded.  There is chat which can not be turned off.

The Meet organizer or participants may share their entire screen or a specific window.   Google Meet could be used for a course presentation, office hours,  communication and even to monitor testing.

Google Meet is compatible with current versions of most web browsers and has both an android and iPhone & iPad app.

Google Meet is not as powerful as Blackboard Collaborate or WebEx.  For example, you can not assign your students to different groups for discussion or to complete a task.

Review Google’s Introduction to Google Meet.

Google Meet Training and Help” is another complete and comprehensive resource.

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