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Add a Video Link with Panopto

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  4. Add a Video Link with Panopto
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  3. Panopto
  4. Add a Video Link with Panopto

  1. Open the course and select a content area from your course menu.

Content Navigation Menu

  1. In the content area, click on the Build Content tab and select Panopto Video Link / Embed Tool.
    Screenshot of content area with Build Content tab and Panopto Video Link / Embed Tool framed by red outline and arrow.
  2. You will be redirected to the Panapto provisioned folder for this course.  Select your video and click Insert.Screenshot of Panopto provisioned course folder with arrows pointing to select video radio button and Insert button.
  1. The selected video is now added to the content area as a link (the link name is the video name by default).  To change the link name, add a text description, and/or edit the availability, click the options menu icon next to the link name and select Edit.
    Screenshot of content area with Panopto video link added and red arrow indicating options menu icon.

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This article was created and is maintained by the Office of Academic Technology.

If you have found an error in this article or if you need assistance incorporating this article in your course, please contact Educational Technology Support.