The ACC Faculty Great Questions Intellectual Feasts is a unique opportunity for faculty to join together over a meal twice each semester to discuss core texts and ideas. The Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning supports this Faculty Learning Community (FLC) in order to foster interdisciplinary collaboration and discussion while engaging faculty with challenging texts meant to open intellectual horizons and reinvigorate faculty teaching.

The concept is simple: gather faculty from a variety of disciplines, have them read exceptional core texts, provide food and open the floor for discussion. Doing this, we break down academic silos, explore questions that are important to us as human beings and take a refreshed spirit of inquiry back with us to our classrooms.

Please consider joining us for our newest installment of the Great Questions Faculty Intellectual Feasts, focused on The Decameron. 

This year we will read Giovanni Boccaccio’s classic, The Decameron, which is a collection of novellas by this 14th-century Italian author. We will spend the entire year reading this text. Join us for these classic tales as we flee the plague of mundane professional development!

Please sign up by September 20. If there is more interest than space, we will make selections with an eye towards discipline diversity.



SAC Section


October 10

November 21

February 6

April 23

Central Austin Section (exact location TBA)


October 11

November 22

February 7

April 24


Ted Hadzi-Antich Jr.

Department Chair/Associate Professor, Government

Austin Community College


[email protected]