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Blackboard Ultra Navigation: Courses

On the Courses page, users can access all of their courses.  Each course has a course card that lists the course ID, course title, and instructor. If a course has multiple instructors, select Multiple Instructors for a list. Select More info to see the description and schedule, if added.

Open a course card’s menu to access the management options. Instructors can make their courses private while they add or experiment with content, and then open courses to students when they’re ready. Students see private courses in their course lists, but they can’t access them.

Users can view the Courses page as a list or a grid. In grid view, instructors can customize the image on their course cards.

Go to about Courses in Ultra Base Navigation to learn more.

Contact Support

This article was created and is maintained by the Office of Academic Technology.

If you have found an error in this article or if you need assistance incorporating this article in your course, please contact Educational Technology Support.


Packback Deep Dives

Packback Deep Dives is a platform for developing and assessing writing.

Through instant AI feedback, students have the opportunity to iterate on their work based on your specific assessment criteria. Instructors receive grading support from our AI grading assistant to help assess the writing mechanics of a piece, so you can focus your feedback on students’ ideas and content.

Go to the following links to learn more:

Deep Dives Features

Setting Up Your Deep Dives Assignments

Contact Support

This article was created and is maintained by the Office of Academic Technology.

If you have found an error in this article or if you need assistance incorporating this article in your course, please contact an Educational Technologist.