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Qwickly Course Tools – Creating Calendar Event

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  4. Qwickly Course Tools – Creating Calendar Event

How to Create a Calendar Event in Qwickly Course Tools

With Qwickly Course Tools, you can inform students of events across multiple courses like office hours or study sessions.  Using the calendar tool is one way to ensure increased student participation in scheduled events.

From your Blackboard Ultra Navigation page, click Tools from the menu pane and select Qwickly Course Tools.

Blackboard Ultra Navigation Tools page

In Course Tools, scroll down and select Create Calendar Event.screenshot of create calendar event task in course tools

Next, enter calendar event information such as Location, Date, Start and End time, then click Submit.screenshot of entering event details

Contact Support

This article was created and is maintained by the Office of Academic Technology.

If you need assistance incorporating this article in your course, please contact an Educational Technologist.