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How to Create Assignments Using Panopto

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  4. How to Create Assignments Using Panopto
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  3. Panopto
  4. How to Create Assignments Using Panopto

  1. Navigate to the course to which you want to add a Panopto video assignment.

An overview of a course in Blackboard.

2. Select your preferred content area from the left-hand navigation menu.  

  The left sidebar of a course in Blackboard. A red box indicates that the user should click the content area where they would like to place a Panopto Assignment into.

  1. Click on the Assessments drop-down menu at the top of the content area, then select Assignment. 

A content area in Blackboard. Red arrows indicate that the user should hover their mouse over the Assignments tab, then click the Assignment button in the dropdown menu that appears below it.

  1. Give your assignment a name. Then, in the Assignment Information text field, copy and paste the following instructional steps Add any additional text as needed, then proceed as you would with creating any other assignment in Blackboard. Press Submit when finished.

An overview of the Create Assignment page, now fully filled out. Once an instructor selects Panopto Student Video submission, it populates the text box with information indicating to the student how to complete the assignment.

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