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Adding VoiceThread to Your Course

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  3. VoiceThread
  4. Adding VoiceThread to Your Course

VoiceThread is a collaborative Web 2.0 tool allowing users; both the instructor and the students, to post photos, share documents/images, videos, record audio and add multiple interactive elements to a Blackboard course.  All these elements can be changed and modified to the instructor’s preference.

Enable Tool Availability

To add VoiceThread to your Blackboard course you first will need the tool inside your course. In the Course Management section, go to Customization, then select Tool Availability.

Screenshot displaying arrows pointing to "Customization" and "Tool Availabilty" options.

Scroll down to VoiceThread and make sure it is checked.VoiceThread tool option and check box to enable in course.

Next, add your VoiceThread to an existing content area or create one if an appropriate area is not already available.

Add Content Area
  1. Make sure Edit Mode is toggled to ON.
  2. Click the Add Menu Item icon.
  3. Select Content Area.

Blackboard course main page, with arrows pointing to Edit Mode toggle, Add Menu Item icon, and Content Area

Name the Content Area VoiceThread or whatever is relevant to your course content.  Make sure to check Available to Users, then click Submit.Add Content Area Naming Field and Available to Users check box.

Now the VoiceThread Content Area appears in the navigation pane.VoiceThread Content Area in Navigation Pane

The Content Area will refresh, with the VoiceThread link added below.

VoiceThread Content Area with new link created within.

Further instructions on Adding an Assignment in VoiceThread can be found here.

For more information visit the VoiceThread for Instructors page.

Contact Support

This article was created and is maintained by the Office of Academic Technology.

If you need assistance incorporating this article in your course, please contact an Educational Technologist.