Safety Requirements
Safety Requirements
Firefighting and fire training are inherently dangerous. At the ACCFTA all personnel will adhere to all TCFP and NFPA rules and regulations concerning fire training. Cadets can expect to operate tools and equipment utilized in the fire service, be exposed to confined spaces, loud noises, live fire, climb ladders, experience heights up to nine stories, and other firefighting situations. Safety is critical and all safety directives will be adhered to at all times. Strict observance of these instructions ensure Cadet and instructor safety.
- When participating in any type of training activity on the drill field, a Cadet will wear the applicable Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) as directed by the instructor.
- When involved in firefighting or other situations that may involve an Immediate Danger to Life and Health (IDLH) atmosphere, full protective clothing must be worn while inside the hazard zone. IDLH will be defined as an atmospheric concentration of any toxic, corrosive or asphyxiate substance that poses an immediate threat to life or would cause irreversible or delayed adverse health effects or would interfere with an individual’s ability to escape from a dangerous atmosphere. The use of SCBA is mandatory when operating in any IDLH atmosphere. The instructor will advise when the use of SCBA equipment is required when not in an IDLH.
- All Cadets and instructors shall wear hearing and eye protection when operating any tools and equipment where flying debris or loud noises may occur.
- All injuries are required to be reported to the instructor or ACCFTA staff immediately, regardless how minor the Cadet deems the injury.
- Emergency medical care must be administered by medically qualified personnel. In the event that medically qualified personnel are not immediately available, one individual shall be charged with calling 911. At no time shall an injured Cadet be left unattended. Cadets rendering aid shall do so only within the scope of their training.
- Water and electrolyte replacement drinks will be provided daily. NO “Caffeinated Energy Drinks” such as Monster, Red Bull, Bang or any other type of energy drinks are allowed.