
Regular and punctual class attendance is expected of all Cadets. If attendance or compliance with other course policies is unsatisfactory, the instructor will withdraw the Cadet from the class.
Cadets can miss up to 24 hours of training during the ACCFTA. Once the maximum allowable absence time is exceeded, the Cadet will be withdrawn from the ACCFTA Level 1 Certificate program.
Attendance is taken daily. Roll call is at 0745. If a Cadet is absent or late, it will be noted on the attendance record and maintained by ACCFTA Staff personnel for TCFP auditing purposes. Unless there is an extenuating circumstance, the Cadet must contact the ACCFTA prior to their absence or reason for being late.
There may be extenuating circumstances (death in the family, mandatory stay at home with doctor approval and note) where an absence will be excused and shall not count against the 24 hours. The ACCFTA Director will determine whether the absence is excused or unexcused. It will be the Cadet’s responsibility to contact the Primary Instructor and ACCFTA Director to make-up any missed assignments or skills. Completion of missed assignments and/or skills is required to be completed prior to sitting for the ACCFTA comprehensive final examination. Instructors are under no obligation to accept late or missed work due to unexcused absences.
Arrival to class after instruction has begun is disruptive and disrespectful of your peers. Habitual tardiness is unprofessional. Each tardy will be annotated by the Director. After the third tardy, the Cadet will meet with the Director to discuss further action. Excessive tardiness can lead to withdrawal from the Academy.
All Cadets are encouraged to sign up for the ACC Emergency Notification System. Instructions can be found here: ACC Emergency Alert. Also, watch for ACC closures on news alerts for closings as well as delayed starts. We follow all ACC campuses when it comes to closings and delayed starts. This will send an alert in the event the college or campus closes due to unforeseen circumstances (for example, severe weather or other emergency), the Cadet is responsible for completing any assignments or other activities designated by their instructor as a result of class sessions being missed during the closure.