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Enable Automatic Import of Zoom Meeting Recordings to Panopto

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  4. Enable Automatic Import of Zoom Meeting Recordings to Panopto
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  4. Enable Automatic Import of Zoom Meeting Recordings to Panopto

Panopto is an enterprise video hosting platform, providing a cloud-based service to centrally manage your recorded videos, lectures, and presentations.  As a Panopto user, you can choose to automatically import Zoom Meeting cloud recordings to your Panopto account.

NOTE: The automatic import feature does not apply to Zoom Meeting recordings saved to a user’s local device.

  1. Log into your Panopto account, using your EID, password, and MFA (multi-factor authorization) for access.
  2. In your Panopto home page, click on your user icon (A) and from the pop-up window select User Settings (B).Panopto home page with user icon and user settings noted with arrows.
  3. From the User Settings window, under Meeting Import Settings, check ACC Zoom (Zoom) (A) and click Update (B) to enable the automatic import option.
    User Settings options window with Automatic Import setting checked as enabled.
  4. Now that the automatic import option is enabled, once a new Zoom Meeting cloud recording is made, the imported file is saved to Meeting Recordings (a subfolder of My Folder in your Panopto account).Panopto My Folder view with arrow indicating Meeting Recordings subfolder.

NOTE: Enabling the automatic import setting will only take effect for Zoom Meeting cloud recordings made after the settings change.  Cloud recordings made prior to the adjustment will not automatically import to your Panopto account retroactively.

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