
The Texas Corequisite Project: A Collaborative Network of Texas Stakeholders
Texas Coreq Project Learning Series: The Brightening Path – Placement Strategies, Readiness and Corequisite Support
Wednesday, August 12, 11:00am-12:00pm CST
Presenter: Dr. Brad Bostian, Director – First Year Experience, Central Piedmont Community College (NC)
Register here and you will automatically receive the login information: August 12 Webinar Registration
When it comes to placement and developmental education, what are we doing right and not so right? In 2013, North Carolina implemented a multiple measures of placement policy that evolved as colleges learned more about how students succeed. The current placement model includes scaled supports, including corequisite models, based on high school GPA. This presentation will shed more light on what college readiness is, and how our efforts to reform placement and academic supports are making things significantly better for students.
Texas Coreq Project Learning Series: Achieving 100% Corequisites
Friday, August 14, 1:00-2:30pm CST
Register here and you will automatically receive the login information: August 14 Webinar Registration
Join us as we hear from deans, department chairs, and faculty members representing colleges that have achieved 100% in their Math or IRW corequisite course offerings. We will hear about their approaches to achieving 100%, the lessons they learned along the way, and the advice they have to offer.
- Dr. Polly Allred, Texas A&M University – Kingsville (math)
- Dr. D. Brian Anderson, College of the Mainland (IRW)
- Dr. Colin Charlton, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley (IRW)
- Penelope Davies, Amarillo College (math)
- Dr. LaJuanda Bonham Jones, Northlake College (IRW)
- Bridgette Marshall, Victoria College (IRW)
- Elizabeth Stoerkel, Prairie View A&M University (math)