Message to Faculty: Student Life Welcome Week
January 8, 2021
Welcome Week website:
Happy New Year & Welcome Back!
The Office of Student Life continues to provide opportunities for all ACC students to engage and connect with academic content outside of the classroom! While we are still virtual, our students continue to crave the benefits of engaging with their peers and the community outside of the classroom. That’s why we want to remind you to encourage all students to participate in Welcome Week events & activities January 19 – 29, 2021! Please share this information with students via email, Blackboard, during class announcements, etc.
We are dedicating the first 2 weeks of the semester to welcoming students back to the online learning environment and connecting them to the skills and services that will enhance their success this semester. Check out the line up of events/activities at Additionally, all of our events can be found on MySL ( – where students, faculty, and staff can claim their FREE account to keep up to date on all that Student Life has to offer.
For one of our Welcome Week events, we are collecting video submissions from students with their tips and tricks for navigating a virtual learning environment. We would appreciate your help in getting the word out to students to submit videos using this FlipGrid link:
Finally, if you would like to request a Student Life Classroom Presentation (virtual), please email or email one of our dedicated SL campus staff members directly.
Student Life is here to support you and your students, as we navigate what we hope to be another great semester at Austin Community College!