Blanca Alvarado in Costa Rica classroom

After completing a sabbatical in Costa Rica in Spring 2019 on a Scholar Fulbright Grant, social work professor Dr. Blanca Alvarado returns to ACC this Fall semester to show her students how she’s deepened her teaching practice.

One of the wonderful connections she made in Costa Rica was Professor Milton Ariel Brenes Rodriguez from the University of Costa Rica School of Social Work. He invited her to partner with him to host class meetings and teach social work at the University of Costa Rica. Now, she’s returning the favor!

Monday, September 23 through Friday, October 4th Dr. Alvarado will be hosting Milton Ariel Brenes Rodriguez as a visiting professor. She shared that “He comes from a research institution and I know he would benefit from learning more about our different teaching styles and methods [at ACC].”

Faculty are invited to meet and mingle with the Visiting Professor on the following dates:

Sunday, Sept. 22nd @ 1pm-3pm at Central Market North (4001 N Lamar Blvd, Austin, TX 78756)

Saturday, Oct. 5th @ 4pm-6pm at Central Market North (4001 N Lamar Blvd, Austin, TX 78756)

RSVP directly and send questions to Dr. Blanca Alvarado at