We are proud to launch the “Impactful Teaching – CILA” video series, a transformative faculty development initiative designed to equip educators with practical, effective strategies to enhance student success and community.

This project is inspired by data from our Change Initiatives Leadership Academy. Our Austin Community College (ACC) faculty and students help to identify classroom opportunities to reduce student withdrawals, increase course success, and enhance belonging.

Video 1: “Name Connections: The Power of Belonging”

Our series begins with a fundamental yet easily overlooked aspect of teaching —learning students’ names. The first video, “Name Connections,” emphasizes the profound impact of personal recognition on student motivation and engagement. By introducing techniques such as Name and Number Association, Historical Figure Connection, and Literary Name Tags, this video offers faculty from various disciplines practical methods to ensure every student feels acknowledged and valued from the outset. These techniques are designed to enhance students’ sense of belonging and set a positive tone for the rest of the semester.

Featured Techniques in “Name Connections”:
  • Literary Name Tags: Students introduce themselves by sharing the name of a character from literature with whom they feel a personal connection. This approach not only helps students feel more comfortable but also provides insights into their personalities and interests which can later be referenced within lessons.

  • Personalized Name Tents: Encourage students to write a hobby or personal fact on one side of a name tent and their name on the other. This simple technique allows for a deeper connection between students and faculty, fostering a more inclusive and engaging classroom environment.

  • Mathematical Strengths: For math-focused classes, students can write their favorite math equation, their birthday as an equation, or a math strength on their name tent. This strategy not only helps with learning names but also promotes a culture of sharing and enthusiasm for the subject matter.

Watch the full first video here for all the techniques and explore the transformative power of creating a classroom environment where every student feels recognized and appreciated. Stay tuned for the next video: “Collaborative Classrooms: Strategies for Effective Group Work,” and in the meantime, engage with your fellow faculty members, share your favorite techniques, and have a great semester transforming the world one student at a time.