by Valeria Flint,
Psychology and Student Development Adjunct Faculty, ACC


By completing the Global Education Faculty Learning Community, I was exposed to a myriad of speakers and resources. Additionally, I would like to share the comprehensive redesign of my Human Growth and Development (PSYC 2314) course as part of this initiative. The redesign focuses on incorporating global education perspectives through experiential learning, project-based learning, and interdisciplinary approaches. Presented in 2015, the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 3 (Good Health and Well-being), 4 (Quality Education), and 10 (Reduced Inequalities) serve as guiding principles for this redesign. This approach aims to enhance understanding of human development within a global context while fostering critical thinking and practical skills applicable to diverse cultural settings.

Rationale for the Course Redesign

The traditional approach to teaching Human Growth and Development often lacks a global perspective, limiting the understanding of students of the diverse cultural influences on human development. In our progressively interrelated world, it is crucial for students to develop a more comprehensive and inclusive view of human growth across different cultures and socioeconomic backgrounds (Arnett, 2016). By integrating global perspectives and sustainable development goals into the curriculum, we can better prepare our students for the challenges and opportunities of a globalized society.

Incorporating Multiple Learning Strategies

Experiential learning is a powerful tool for engaging students and promoting deep understanding of complex concepts (Kolb, 2014). In the redesigned course, students will engage with specific ACC-approved community partners that will connect them with diverse populations and cultures. The experiential learning activities will not only deepen the understanding of students of course content but also develop their intercultural competence and empathy.

Project-based learning will be a central component of the redesigned course, allowing students to apply their knowledge to real-world issues aligned with the selected SDGs. The projects will not only reinforce course concepts but also develop the ability of students to conduct research and apply critical thinking as well as problem-solving skills while fostering a sense of global citizenship.

Furthermore, the course redesign will incorporate interdisciplinary perspectives. The interdisciplinary approach will help students develop a more nuanced and comprehensive understanding of human growth and development in a global context.

Assessment and Evaluation

The redesigned course will employ different assessment methods to evaluate the learning of students and the effectiveness of the new approach such as reflective journals and pre- and post-course surveys. The assessment methods will provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of the course redesign and inform future iterations.


The redesign of the Human Growth and Development Psychology course represents a significant step towards providing our community college students with a more globally oriented and practically relevant education. By integrating experiential learning, project-based learning, and interdisciplinary approaches, all aligned with key Sustainable Development Goals, I endeavor to cultivate graduates who are not only knowledgeable about human development but also equipped to address global challenges with empathy and cultural sensitivity.

As an Adjunct faculty member from a Hispanic background, I believe this redesign will particularly resonate with our diverse student body, many of whom come from immigrant families or have personal connections to different cultures. By embracing a global perspective, we can better support our students in seeing themselves as part of a larger community and empower them to make positive contributions to society, both locally and globally.

This course redesign is just the beginning of what I hope will be a broader transformation in the ACC curriculum. As faculty members continue to refine and expand their academic horizons, we have the opportunity to create a truly inclusive and globally-minded educational experience that prepares our students for success in an increasingly interconnected world.

About Valeria

Valeria Flint is passionate about education, servant leadership, sustainability, technology, wellness, and neuroscience. A first-generation and non-traditional graduate, she enjoys finding research-based strategies to support faculty and students to reach their goals. She serves as Faculty Development Coordinator at the Teaching and Learning Excellence Division as well as Psychology and Student Development Adjunct Faculty at Austin Community College.