by Amrita Chatterjee, Adjunct Faculty, Computer Science and Information Technology

Participating in the 2023-24 Faculty Learning Community has proven immensely beneficial in several respects. Engaging with diverse speakers covering a range of topics, observing their teaching methods and strategies for student engagement, and actively participating in various activities have collectively enriched my knowledge base. Through breakout sessions, where ideas on teaching strategies were exchanged, I acquired significant insights. As a new faculty member at ACC, this experience has been invaluable in learning from seasoned colleagues and refining my own teaching approach.

Interacting with speakers with experiences from different corners of the globe has not only broadened my cultural understanding but also expanded my perspective. Additionally, the sense of camaraderie among colleagues facing similar challenges has been reassuring, fostering a supportive community environment. These sessions have instilled confidence in me, and the most significant takeaway is the sense of belonging to a supportive community of educators.

FLC has enriched me in the following ways:

  • Enhanced Global Perspective:
      • Understanding Diverse Viewpoints: Global education sessions have opened my eyes to ways of thinking that are completely different from my own. For example, a session on classroom management in different countries revealed strategies I would never have thought of on my own. This has improved my ability to see issues from all angles and develop more balanced lesson plans.
      • Global Challenges, Local Impact: Sessions focusing on global challenges like poverty or environmental impact have been especially helpful. This knowledge allows me to connect classroom concepts to real-world problems, making learning more engaging for my students and showing them how their choices can have a ripple effect around the world.
  • Cultural Competence:
      • Building an Inclusive Classroom: Learning about how other cultures approach education, celebrate holidays, or even handle discipline has helped me identify and avoid unconscious biases in my own classroom. This allows me to build stronger relationships with students from all backgrounds.
      • Communicating Across Cultures: Sessions that specifically delve into communication styles and potential misunderstandings across cultures have been invaluable. I can now communicate more effectively with students from diverse backgrounds, which builds a strong foundation of trust and collaboration.
  • Professional Development:
      • Innovative Teaching Strategies: Global sessions have introduced me to cutting-edge teaching methods from around the world. I’ve discovered new ways to use technology, project-based learning, and assessment techniques that have completely revamped my teaching.
      • Global Trends in Education: Staying informed about global trends helps me prepare my students for a world without borders. I’ve learned about rising career fields or skills desired by global companies, which allows me to better guide students towards their future goals.
  • Networking Opportunities:
      • Cross-Institutional Collaboration: FLC had several sessions about cross-institutional collaboration proposals which has broadened my horizon.
      • Mentorship and Inspiration: The network I’ve built through these sessions has given me access to a wealth of knowledge and experience. I’ve found mentors with specific areas of expertise who have been incredibly generous with guidance and support as I continue to develop professionally.
  • Global Citizenship Education:
      • Empowering Young Voices: Understanding global issues has given my students a real sense of agency for positive change.
      • Preparing for the Future: The world is interconnected. Understanding issues like resource management and conflict resolution is so important in helping my students become responsible leaders in our global society.
  • Personal Growth:
      • Challenging Your Assumptions: Seeing the world through a different lens has, at times, challenged my own beliefs and assumptions in good ways. This growth has led to greater openness and acceptance – both in myself and within the culture of my classroom.
      • A Broader Sense of Community: Learning and working with educators worldwide has fostered a profound understanding that we’re all part of something larger. That sense of shared purpose and responsibility is both deeply enriching and incredibly motivating.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the FLC committee for accepting me into the 2023-24 sessions. The virtual Zoom format was highly accommodating, and the recordings provided valuable flexibility. The sessions were well-structured with breaks, enhancing their overall effectiveness.

To sum it up, this Faculty Learning Community on Global Education has been a catalyst for change within my teaching practice. I am thankful for the enriching interactions with colleagues, the expanded perspectives, and the tools to take my teaching to the next level. Looking ahead, I am eager to continue learning and collaborating so we can empower our students to thrive in an interconnected world. This mission is key to fulfilling ACC’s promise of providing the best possible education for our students.