Dear Instructional Colleagues,

We are writing to share opportunities for collaboration that will help our students who are experiencing academic or health and safety needs, and provide resources before their grades suffer. 

Academic Alert – We have developed a new system for faculty to communicate with the Academic Guidance Team when a student is in need of additional academic support. The Academic Guidance Team consists of Advising Specialists, Success Coaches, and Completion Counselors trained to help students stay on track with their program and make decisions about their educational and career goals. 

Academic Concerns for referral to Academic Alert 

        • Poor attendance in class
        • Failing grades
        • Missing assignments 
        • Poor quality of work
        • Lack of motivation
        • Struggling with time management 

(The link is also on the ACC Faculty/Staff website under Advising Resources)

CARES – Concerns about the health and safety of a student for disruptive or threatening behavior should be referred through the CARES Concerning Behavior Referral Form. CARES is ACC’s Behavioral Intervention Team.  

Health and Safety Concerns for referral to CARES

        • Behaviors of Concern or Signs of Distress
        • Threatening/Dangerous Behavior Concerns
        • Emotional Behavior Concerns
        • Physical Behavior Concerns
        • Alcohol and Other Drugs

Feel free to reach out with any questions!

Thank you,


Dr. Wade Bradfute – Executive Dean of Student Affairs – South Region

Dr. Dorado M. Kinney – Executive Dean of Student Affairs- Central Region

Mervin J. Jones – Interim Executive Dean of Student Affairs – North Region