Transition to Upswing Online Tutoring Platform
August 18, 2021
To: Austin Community College Faculty
From: Monique Johnson-Jones, Ed.D.
Executive Director, Learning Support Services
Date: August 13, 2021
Re: Online Tutoring Services
The purpose of this communication is to inform you that the online tutoring platform for Austin Community College (ACC) will transition to Upswing starting September 6, 2021. We are in the process of updating all digital formats so that faculty, staff, and students are aware of the change.
Do know that there will be NO interruption of online tutoring service to students. They are still able to sign up for online tutoring in the same manner as before. The only difference is that Google Meet will be used until the activation of Upswing on the aforementioned date. This change will NOT affect the quality of service to our students nor the online learning lab resources available to the students.
Upon activation of Upswing, a link will be placed in Blackboard so individuals are able to access the platform via one click. It’s also worth noting that tutoring, in most subjects, is available FREE to all ACC students.
I appreciate your patience during this time of transition. Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns.
Monique Johnson-Jones, Ed.D.
cc: Guillermo Martinez, Ph.D.