Fall 2020 Academic Coaching Updates
August 27, 2020
Academic Coaching has a new, promo video highlighting our virtual services! Check it out here: https://youtu.be/4as1EuAnHSs. Here are some other updates/reminders:
- We’ve added Navigating Blackboard to our arsenal of Academic Coaching service offerings for students. Our helpful 6-min video can help students navigate this often overwhelming platform. If students need more in-depth support, they can check out our live workshop on this topic. More info on Navigating Blackboard Workshop and RSVP HERE!
- We have other great fall workshops planned! Topics include: Time Management: Quarantine Style, Study Skills for Online Classes, Parenting during a Pandemic, Having Hard Conversations, Pushing through and Getting Back Up, and more! More information on F20 Academic Coaching Workshops here!
- Students can request virtual appointments by easily clicking the BOOK NOW button on our website. Same-day appointments are available!
- We have some excellent resources on our website, including our new Study Skills Booklet: Online Classes Edition
- If you feel like a student can benefit from our services, feel free to complete this Referral Form and we’ll reach out to them within 24 hours. We’d also welcome an invitation to your synchronous class, just reply with the date/time and we’ll try to be available for a 5-min class visit showcasing our services.
Looking forward to a great (albeit unusual) fall semester!
Monica Burmicky
Supervisor, Academic Coaching Services