Teaching & Learning Champions – The Podcast is hosted by the Teaching & Learning Excellence Division at Austin Community College. We explore how TLC, or Teaching & Learning Champions, impact our students at ACC. During each TLC at ACC episode, we’ll interview faculty, staff, and students on the things that positively impact teaching & learning, and as a result, the success of our students.

Check out our introduction episode where we share this year’s theme on TLC @ ACC!

Episode Transcript

Welcome to Teaching & Learning Champions, an audio podcast hosted by the Teaching & Learning Excellence Division at Austin Community College! My name is Matt Evins, Director of Instructional Technology & Digital Resources. It’s important to ensure that we, as a community, are showcasing the life-changing work of our colleagues, in a format that allows you to learn on the go, whether you are commuting to or from the office, or traveling between campuses. I’ll be your host as we explore how TLC, or Teaching & Learning Champions, impact our students at ACC. During each TLC at ACC episode, we’ll interview faculty, staff, and students on the things that positively impact teaching & learning, and as a result, the success of our students.

During the 2019-2020 academic year, we’ll be talking to a variety of faculty, staff, and administrators who are leaders in Guided Pathways work. Everyone at ACC plays an integral part in the work being done to ensure students find and follow their pathway to success. And these podcast episodes are for you PAUSE- ACC faculty and staff – and we invite you to submit questions to us on the TLED website so that we can make this podcast informative to your daily work.

Each episode of Teaching & Learning Champions will be accompanied by a blog post available on the TLED website, containing the transcript of the episode if you prefer to read, as well as any resources referenced during the episode. I encourage you to subscribe to the ACC District Podcasts on any of your preferred podcast apps or listen to individual episodes on the TLED website. Thank you for tuning in and we’ll chat next time on TLC at ACC.

Questions? Contact [email protected].