The content of this post is a copy of what the Student Affairs Executive Deans sent out to all faculty on Tuesday, August 27, 2019.

Read the Faculty Guide to Student Conduct Concerns in the Classroom

Dear Faculty,

We are excited to welcome you to 2019 Fall semester! As we embark on our journey we wanted to provide you with essential information about student rights and responsibilities.

Student Standards of Conduct

Student Standards of Conduct establish the rights of the student and behavioral expectations. Our campus community values integrity, respect, and fairness. All students are expected to abide by these standards.

We encourage you to review the Student Standards of Conduct with your students on the 1st day of class and include them in your syllabus. The policy includes student’s right to due process, disciplinary action procedures, and the appeals process.

Issues pertaining to violations of the Student Standards of Conduct policy must be reported using the Conduct Notification Report. For issues pertaining to academic integrity, the process can be found here

Dismissing Students from Class

You can dismiss the student from your class or work area for the day and report the incident as a conduct violation. If the student has caused a disruption in class or in a work area you may request that the student be prevented from returning to the class or work area until he/she attends a meeting with a dean/associate dean of student affairs. Students should not be withdrawn from class for disciplinary action without receiving proper due process.

Report an Incident Webpage

We recently created a landing page for incident reports that provides a brief description of each type of report. Please visit the website here: Links to the landing page are located at the bottom of the ACC homepage, Student Rights & Responsibilities website & student/faculty webpages.

Deans and Associate Deans of Student Affairs are available to provide guidance with multiple issues ranging from managing difficult classroom situations to mediation. Please know we are here to support and guide you with any concerns you may encounter. Contact your Dean/Associate Dean of Student Affairs.

We hope you have a successful semester and wish you all the best.

Wade Bradfute, Ph. D.

Executive Dean of Student Affairs

South Region (HYS, RVS, SAC)

Amber Kelley

Executive Dean of Student Affairs

North Region (CYP, NRG, RRC, SGC)

Dorado M. Kinney, Ed. D.

Executive Dean of Student Affairs

Central Region (EGN, EVC, HLC, RGC)