The content of this post is a copy of what Holly Delacroix – DeRouen, Director of Testing, sent out to all faculty on Tuesday, August 27, 2019.

Hello Faculty!

Here is some important information from Instructional Testing Centers (ITC) that will assist you in your use of our services during the Fall 2019 semester.

Hours of Operation and Closures:

Instructional Testing Center Hours

Testing centers will have extended Friday hours until 5 pm on the last two Fridays of the  Fall semester, December 6th and December 13th.

Instructional Testing Closures:

  • Sunday, September 1st – Monday, September 2nd, 2019 – Labor Day
  • Thursday, November 28th – December 1st, 2019 – Thanksgiving

Test Transmittal:

The most recent version of the Test Transmittal is attached. Please use the online transmittal submission or the copy attached.  Testing Centers will not accept old copies of transmittals.


The last day to receive exams, transmittal forms, and related test materials for the Fall 2019 semester:

  • Friday, December 6th, 2019 at 1:00pm for non-weekend campus Testing             Centers (EVC, EGN, HYS, SGC)
  • Saturday, December 7th, 2019 at 5:00pm for weekend campus Testing Centers (CYP, NRG, HLC, RRC, RVS, SAC).

 SAS Accommodations:

Students whose single accommodation is extended time will test in the Testing Centers.

Faculty Testing Center Guidelines

Student Testing Center Guidelines

Student Accessibility Services Testing Center Procedures

Testing Center Violations:

Violations are recorded in ACC’s conduct software, Maxient. Resolutions and/or sanctions concerning academic dishonesty in the Testing Center must be forwarded to the Director of Testing for documentation purposes.

Faculty and Student Testing Center procedures are attached for your reference. If you have any questions or concerns regarding an Instructional Testing Center, please contact me, the Campus Testing Supervisor at your home campus, or the respective Dean of Student Services.

Have a great Fall semester!

Holly Delacroix – DeRouen, Director of Testing

Testing Center Transmittal Form