Teaching & Learning Champions are faculty & staff who contribute to student learning (Guided Pathways Essential Practice #4). We share their stories to celebrate their dedication to instructional excellence & innovation in a series of spotlight articles. #ACCExcellence

Michelle EscudierMeet Michelle Escudier, Instructional Designer at the South Austin Campus

Tell us a little bit about what you do!

I provide consultation on course development and instructional design. We provide training on the fly to faculty in need of support in instructional strategies, design, content creation, use of various communication modes (e.g., websites, video, audio), assessment, and technology in the development of curricula for higher education learning.

Three words that best describe you?

Free-spirited, creative, spontaneous

How do you support faculty at ACC? Why is this work important?

I support faculty by providing training and consultation on instructional design and technology with the ultimate goal of improving student learning and retention.

When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? Did you achieve your goal? Explain.

When I was a child, I wanted to be a scientist, a writer, a teacher, and a nun. My goals are somewhat accomplished. I have always worked in higher education for most of my adult life and I do teach as an adjunct. I do write, having just finished the third draft of a science-fiction novella. I have not published anything yet. Although I was raised Catholic, I will probably never become a nun.

If you could take any ACC class, what would you take? Why?

I would like to take two classes, actually. One: I would like to take a painting class because I have always wanted to paint a blue iguana. Two: I would like to take a novel or short story creative writing class in order to improve my fiction writing skills. The great American story is hiding in me somewhere, waiting to get out!

What would you name the autobiography of your life?

“Don’t Stop Now. Also, Fasten your Seat Belt.”

Connect with Michelle via email: [email protected]

Recommend a Colleague:

Do you know someone who is a champion of teaching & learning? Send their name & why you’re nominating them to [email protected].