The content of this post is a copy of what Yam Tolan, Faculty Senate President, sent out to all faculty on April 14, 2019.

The following is from Dorado M. Kinney, Ed.D., Executive Dean, Student Affairs, Central Region (EGN, EVC, HLC, RGC) and Chair of the Testing Sub-Committee…

Criteria for usage of Testing Centers

For the 17-18 Academic Year, ACC’s Assessment & Testing Centers served 216,301 students, of which 189,675 were for academic testing. This level of volume is not sustainable and has affected student satisfaction and success. At times students experience wait periods up to an hour or longer, placing undue stress on our students. Additionally, the level of volume impedes our capability of meeting the needs of the students that may require more assistance (SAS, ESOL, TSI, other placement assessments).

In the memo dated January 17th, 2019, Dr. Cook tasked the Assessment & Advising Committee with developing the criteria for usage of the testing center. The committee is in the process of gathering feedback and input. If you have any insight or suggestions in regarding criteria for testing center usage, please submit using this form.


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