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Zoom – Scheduling Meetings for Student Attendance

Zoom – Scheduling Meetings for Student Attendance

Faculty, please note that ACC Zoom licenses are only available for employees, and students do not have College-issued Zoom accounts. Student Technology Services has recently received an influx of support requests from students who are unable to join Zoom meetings scheduled by instructors and staff.

When creating a Zoom meeting that involves student attendance, be sure that the meeting does not require authentication. Zoom Meetings that require authentication will not be accessible to students. Additionally, if students attempt to sign into Zoom using an ACC email address, they will receive an error message.

If you have questions about scheduling Zoom meetings, please don’t hesitate to contact our support team by submitting a Mojo Ticket.


SoftChalk Access Ended

Austin Community College has decided that it will not renew our SoftChalk subscription effective August 31, 2023. After that date, users will no longer have access to the SoftChalk platform through ACC.


Blackboard Collaborate End of Life

Blackboard Collaborate video conferencing was recently purchased by Class for Zoom and will no longer be available after the summer 2023 semester. Institutions licensing Blackboard Collaborate will be migrated to Class for Zoom once existing Collaborate contracts reach end of life. Because ACC already licenses Class for Zoom, we will be transitioning to the Class for Zoom product beginning in the fall 2023 semester. End of life for Collaborate will be August 11, 2023 at 5PM. Please download any recordings that you wish to keep prior to that date.


ACC and Adobe

Adobe Creative Cloud is available to Austin Community College (ACC) faculty, staff, and students at a no-to-minimal cost. This suite of products gives you unlimited access to industry-leading creation tools for graphic design, video editing, and web development such as Photoshop, Illustrator, XD, Premiere Pro, Spark, and more. With Adobe Creative Cloud, you get access to the latest updates, new features, apps, and services as soon as they are released.

ACC is the FIRST community college in the nation designated an Adobe Creative Campus.