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Using MyACC to Certify your Rosters

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  4. Using MyACC to Certify your Rosters

1) From the Faculty/Staff page of our ACC site, log in to MyACC 

Austin Community College Faculty and Staff Landing page 2) Scroll down to Course Management and click on Class Rosters

Course Management Section


3) Click on the Section you want to certify

View Dropdown menu



4) Under the View bar select Certify Attendance from the dropdown menu

Certify Attendance



5) Once you have marked students who Attended or Never Attended, hit the Submit button. Hold on! You’re not done yet!

Submit Button

6) A Window will pop up that prompts you to certify your attendance with Yes or Cancel buttons. Select the appropriate button.

Verify Attendance submit

7) A Success! window will appear notifying you that you have certified attendance.

OK Button

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If you have found an error in this article or if you need assistance incorporating this article in your course, please contact Educational Technology Support.