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Delete Blackboard Grade Center Column

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  3. Blackboard Learn
  4. Grade Center
  5. Delete Blackboard Grade Center Column

In the Grade Center, three types of columns appear: usercalculated, and grade. Each column has a menu with options.  You can’t delete or edit default user columns (last/first name, username, student ID, last access, or availability).   You can delete manually created grade columns.

  1. In the Grade Center, locate the column you want to delete, then click the action button to the right of the column’s title.
  2. Select Delete Column.

Grade Center View of Column Options Menu

NOTE: If a column is tied to a graded Blackboard assessment (tests, assignments, discussion posts, journal/blog entries, or wiki contributions), you will not see an option to delete the column.

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This article was created and is maintained by the Office of Academic Technology.

If you need assistance incorporating this article in your course, please contact an Educational Technologist.