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Adding Panopto to Your Course in Blackboard

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  4. Adding Panopto to Your Course in Blackboard
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  4. Adding Panopto to Your Course in Blackboard

Panopto is an enterprise video hosting platform, providing a cloud-based service to centrally manage your recorded videos, lectures, and presentations. Panopto is fully integrated into ACC’s Blackboard learning management system, allowing for instructor users to record, upload, embed, or link video content within their courses.

To begin utilizing Panopto in a Blackboard course, instructors must first prompt Panopto to create a provisioned course folder.

  1. In your designated Blackboard course at the top of the course menu, click on the Add Menu Item icon and from the pop-up menu, select Tool Link.
    Screenshot displaying Blackboard course menu with Add Menu Item icon and Tool Link menu option indicated by red arrows.
  2. In the Add Tool Link window, select Panopto Course Folder Tool from the Type: drop-down menu.  Name the tool link “Panopto” (or use similar wording to easily located the link in your course menu) and leave Available to Users unchecked.  Content stored within the provisioned folder should be made available to students by either embedding or linking the video(s) within content areas in the course.  Click Submit when finished.Screenshot of Add Tool Link inset window with Type drop-down menu and Submit button indicated by red arrows.
  3. The newly created tool link is now visible at the bottom of the course menu.  Click on the link to prompt Panopto to create the provisioned course folder.
    Screenshot of course menu with Panopto tool link indicated by red arrow.
  4. The provisioned course folder is now available.  The folder name is the same as the Blackboard course name.  Click on the +Create button to record or upload content to the folder.Screenshot of Panopto provisioned course folder with folder name and +Create button framed by red outline boxes.

Contact Support

This article was created and is maintained by the Office of Academic Technology.

If you have found an error in this article or if you need assistance incorporating this article into your course, please contact Educational Technology Support.