1. Once faculty Summary Evaluation Forms are completed by the Department Chair, they are sent to the faculty to review. (Deans may optionally choose to review these forms before distribution to individual faculty or perhaps only for faculty receiving an Overall Rating of Does not Meet ACC Faculty Expectations, but in general Deans are not required to be involved in the evaluation process until after forms have been returned to the Department Chair and any requested conferences with the Department Chair have been completed. If a Dean does choose to do this, it should be noted as a part of the descriptions of evaluation methods for each of their departments on the college website noted above.)
    2. Faculty accept their forms and optionally request a conference with the Department Chair and return the forms to the Department Chair. The Dean is given a list of these conference requests. The Department Chair carries out the requested conferences and attaches a Supplemental Conference Form to the Summary Evaluation Form and returns all Summary Evaluation Forms to the Dean.
    3. The Dean reviews all evaluations and either approves them or requests clarification from the Department Chair. The Dean may also enter additional comments into the Summary Evaluation Form. The Dean is responsible for ensuring that any student complaints/faculty discipline issues have been appropriately addressed.
    4. If a faculty member requests a conference with the Dean, the Dean coordinates a conference and fills out and approves a Supplemental Conference Form to attach to the Summary Evaluation Form. If further steps are needed, they should be clearly documented and communicated with the faculty member and Department Chair. Once issues have been resolved, the Dean then reviews and approves the Summary Evaluation Form.
    5. The Dean also determines the contract renewal period/status for each faculty member and indicates that on the Summary Evaluation Form.
    6. All approved forms are then returned to the faculty.
    7. Deans retain copies of all Summary Evaluation Forms and their attached Supplemental Conference Forms according to evaluation record retention requirements.


Deans are also responsible for evaluating Department Chairs for their department chair duties (i.e., separate from their faculty evaluation). Faculty assigned exclusively to non-teaching duties during an evaluation period should consult with the supervisor overseeing their work to determine an appropriate evaluation procedure. Department Chairs and Deans who teach classes will participate in their departmental evaluation process as faculty as well. Generally, Summary Evaluation Forms for the Department Chair would be filled out by the Dean and vice versa, but either may request assistance from outside the department for this purpose.

End of Responsibilities of the Dean Section