
If you have questions regarding the outline of responsibilities, please contact us. Click on the buttons below to view responsibilities by role.
The Office of Curriculum Development/Schedule Development
- Generate AY26 Initial Schedule spreadsheet for each Associate Vice Chancellor (Transfer programs, Workforce programs, and Health Science programs) area. The Google Spreadsheet will have separate tabs for Fall 2025, Spring 2026, and Summer 2026.
- Distribute AY26 Initial Schedule packets to Associate Vice Chancellors for their review.
- Process Dean-approved schedule edit requests.
- Schedule Development team members will review division Schedule Edit Administration spreadsheets daily.
- All edits that have Dean approval will be processed as soon as possible.
- Any follow up required from the initial requestor, the department chair, or the dean will be noted in the spreadsheet. Follow-up could include action (eg: Please update the ZTC Google Doc), notification (eg: Roster emailed), or question (eg: Please confirm modality given that section is short on meeting minutes.)
- The Office of Curriculum Development will support Campus Managers with scheduling room assignments.
- Schedule sections, Corequisite (paired) course sections, and other priority requests will need to be assigned rooms first prior to assigning all other requests in general purpose classrooms.
- Campus Managers will email room updates to the Office of Curriculum Development ([email protected]) for processing.
- Schedule Development Team will assist and/or generate ad-hoc data requests that support scheduling decision making
- Schedule Development will generate the Endangered Section Review spreadsheets and process.
Vice Chancellor of Instruction Office
Associate Vice Chancellors of Instruction
- Create Division Specific scheduling spreadsheets and provide support (as needed) to maintain the organizational structure of the spreadsheet.
- Distribute AY26 Initial Schedule spreadsheet and associated resources to Instructional Deans
- Identify any specific areas Deans and Department Chairs may need to pay close attention to when reviewing the AY26 Initial Schedule and highlight that at the beginning of the scheduling cycle.
- Generate and distribute as appropriate to AVCs, Deans, and Department Chairs, data that supports scheduling decision making. This can include information from Ad Astra, Daily Registration Dashboard, Free Tuition Dashboard, TIPS, the student Self Service portal, and others. Examples of data reports include but is not limited to:
- Course Enrollment Deviation for Selected Term
- Low Enrollment Course Analysis for Selected Term
- Meeting Patterns in Use by Selected Subject
- Sections by Subject for Selected Term
- Low Seat Fill Sections for Selected Term
- Send timely communications regarding upcoming scheduling deadlines.
- Provide pre-scheduled and ad-hoc professional learning opportunities to divisions and departments. Examples include Ad Astra (Registration Monitor) and Schedule Edit Administration spreadsheet sessions.
- Maintain content on the Strategic Scheduling Hub (website)
Instructional Dean
- General Responsibilities:
- Instructional Deans will review and approve all schedules under their purview. They are to review and proof section edits (additions, deletions, cancellations) to ensure accuracy and ensure that all schedule edits are entered into the division Schedule Edit Administration spreadsheet. Review and approval will take into consideration whether:
- The course sections fit institutional priorities
- There is a high likelihood the class will make
- The justification is valid and reasonable
- There is an evaluation of courses not offered every semester
- Coordination among all providers has happened for Paired/Co-required, Dual Credit, Learning Community/Special Initiatives, CE/Credit Integrated, Honors, Interdisciplinary Studies, Service-Learning, and Distance Education sections
- Instructional Deans will ensure that departments under their purview will meet scheduling deadlines.
- Instructional Deans will review and approve all schedules under their purview. They are to review and proof section edits (additions, deletions, cancellations) to ensure accuracy and ensure that all schedule edits are entered into the division Schedule Edit Administration spreadsheet. Review and approval will take into consideration whether:
- In addition to the General Responsibilities, for Phase 1: AY26 Initial Schedule Review, Instructional Deans will confirm that:
- That there are no orphan lecture/lab
- In addition to the General Responsibilities, for Phase 2: Strategic Section Additions
- Ensure that additions and edits are aligned to collegewide initiatives, division and department goals
Department Chair
- General Responsibilities:
- Collaborate with their Dean to identify any updates/changes to sections and propose new section offerings in a timely manner. Proposed new section offerings must have a strong rationale supported by data and reflect institutional priorities and support student progress through a degree plan.
- Notate justifications for each recommended section change, addition, or deletion by adding to the Comments column in the appropriate division Schedule Edit Administration spreadsheet as directed by their Dean. Deans must approve all proposed changes to scheduled sections.
- Adhere to deadlines set by their Instructional Dean
- Use ACC data resources including, but not limited to: Instructional Planning Survey, Daily Registration Dashboard, Ad Astra (Registration Monitoring), resources curated by the Office of Vice Chancellor of Instruction
- Phase 1 Specific Responsibilities:
- Request cancellation of sections as appropriate.
- Helpful tools during this phase include:
- Instructional Planning Survey
- AY26 Initial Annual Schedule file
- Information shared from the Vice Chancellor of Instruction’s office
- Phase 2 Specific Responsibilities
- Request adds, edits, and deletion of sections as appropriate.
- If requesting a change to a Baseline section, the edit can be approved but the section will lose Baseline status.
- Helpful tools during this phase include:
- Instructional Planning Survey
- Information shared from the Vice Chancellor of Instruction’s office
- Request adds, edits, and deletion of sections as appropriate.
- Phase 3 Specific Responsibilities
- Request adds, edits, and deletion of sections as appropriate. Chairs should regularly monitor enrollment and be proactive to the extent possible in managing scheduling changes.
- Helpful tools during this Phase include:
- Waitlists
- Daily Registration Dashboard
- Ad Astra – Registration Monitor
- Information shared from the Vice Chancellor of Instruction’s office. This includes but is not limited to department-specific and college-wide registration trends, information from other applications within Ad Astra, and information from student input in the Self Service Portal.
- For departments that integrate Continuing Education (CE) with credit sections, department chairs will coordinate with the appropriate Continuing Education Coordinator. The following
- Continuing Education Coordinators will follow the CE schedule timelines, including the submission of integrated section requests
- Integrated section capacities will not exceed the global limit (Credit and CE combined together).
- Determination of sections created will be based primarily on credit enrollments. Integrated CE and credit sections will be processed in a timely way according to the current credit schedule development timeline.
Specialized Program Coordinators
(e.g., Ascender, BRASS, Honors, PACE, Interdisciplinary Studies)
- General Responsibilities:
- Communicate section requests to department chairs. Department chairs responsible for entering their approved requests into their respective Division Schedule Edit Administration spreadsheet.
Campus Managers
- Campus Managers will collaborate with the Office of Curriculum Development on room assignments.
- Campus Managers will use Ad Astra to review the AY26 Annual Schedule and assess room scheduling needs.
- From September 27, 2024 to December 20, 2024, Campus Managers will work to confirm classroom assignments for sections indicated in the Phase 1 Initial Annual Schedule files.
- From January 5, 2024 – March XXXX, 2025, Campus Managers will work to confirm classroom assignments for sections added during Phase 2 of the Scheduling Cycle.
- Campus Managers will prioritize corequisites and make initial room assignments, utilizing the room scheduler tools of Ad Astra as appropriate to optimize room usage and to support student success with data driven strategic scheduling. Upon completion of room assignments for priority sections, Campus Managers will review, modify and approve room assignments for all other F2F (Face-to-Face) and FLX (Hyflex) requests, including Hybrid Classroom (HYC), for general purpose classrooms as well as specialized classroom and lab space. Campus Managers will email room updates to the Office of Curriculum Development ([email protected]) for processing.