ACC Emergency Alert
ACC Emergency Alert
ACC Emergency Alert is the system that sends safety and security-related notifications via email and text message. ACC Emergency Alerts advise you of threats on campus, certain crimes that were reported, impending weather, and campus closures.
Up to three emails and three mobile phone numbers are allowed on your account. Verify, add, or delete contact information by logging into the RAVE Mobile Safety web site using your ACCeID and password.
- Enter “Austin Community College” in the field that asks for our site name and click Continue
- Accept the terms and conditions (ACC has a contract with RAVE)
- Verify your information; add or delete contacts. NOTE: You can’t edit your ACC email account. You will always receive ACC Alert emails.
- Click Save
ACC Alert is used only in the event of a safety or security-related incident and for occasional testing of the system. You don’t need to worry about receiving unsolicited messages. Your name and phone number will not be shared with anyone else through this system.
Rave Mobile Safety is our service provider. So that messages to your cell phone are displayed as “ACC Emergency Alert” create or update the entry in your phone’s address book with the following contact information: 226787, 67283, 78015, 81437 (enter these “short codes” as individual phone numbers) and [email protected] OR [email protected] (if your phone doesn’t receive short codes).