Most college courses will require textbooks or supplies and are the student’s responsibility to acquire and purchase. (You can find a link to textbooks listed in the course schedule to the right of the course name.)
ACC is working to lower costs for students. Many core courses have sections that are taught with openly-licensed high quality online textbooks (known as Open Educational Resources) or other freely-available course materials that are accessible electronically on the first day of class. These textbooks and course materials do not cost students any money. These “zero textbook cost” sections are known as Z-classes. (You can search for them in the course schedule under the “Other Sorts” column and clicking on the Open Educational Resources/Zero Textbook Cost link.)
In addition to Z-classes, ACC offers three Z-Degrees: the Associate of Arts in General Studies, the Associate of Science in General Studies, and the Associate of Applied Science in Auto Body Collision & Refinishing Technology. A Z-Degree is a degree that a student can complete entirely with zero textbook cost classes.
Note: Not every core curriculum course offers Z-classes and not every campus offers Z-classes. Consult with an Area of Study advisor or the General Studies program advisor for more information and assistance with mapping your Z-Degree pathway.