Distance Education
Distance Education
Distance classes are always an option but can present unique challenges compared to a lecture-based, face-to-face course. Distance means the class is online and there is no face-to-face instruction. Distance courses are not self-paced. Students must complete a mandatory orientation during the first week of the class. Students will receive a syllabus that will outline important dates and deadlines for assignments, readings, and exams.
Read and understand the course syllabus! Schedule time that you will work on your distance coursework. Do not wait until the last day to try to submit assignments or complete a test!
Distance courses heavily rely upon Blackboard, which is an online course management site used by ACC instructors. Familiarize yourself with Blackboard! Login to Blackboard frequently. Online classes can get away from you quickly if you do not keep up!
Communicate with the instructor via your ACCmail and utilize their office hours. If you are not able to submit an assignment/test, have questions, etc., email your instructor BEFORE the deadline.