Developing a New Badge

Developing a New Badge

Micro-credentials and badges can be offered to faculty, staff, and students at various levels. All departments can offer badges, though different types of badges require different approval levels. Below is an outline of the general process. If you are interested in developing a badge, please fill out this discovery meeting form.

In order to ensure consistency across the institution, the steps below are what is required before a new badge can be offered.

Competency Badges

Competency-based badges in micro-credentials are digital awards that signify the achievement and demonstration of particular skills, knowledge, or competencies through an assessment by demonstration, test, project or the like. As elements of the broader micro-credentials framework, these badges aim to recognize and validate skills and learning in a more detailed and targeted way than traditional degrees or certifications.

  1. Competency-based badges must be approved by the required approval levels based on whether the badge is intended to be awarded to students, faculty, staff, or a combination.

    Approval Levels:
    Student-facing: C&P (Curriculum & Programs) Subcommittee
    Faculty-facing: Faculty Development
    Staff-facing: Human Resources Staff Development
  2. Once approval has been met, the badge requester can fill out the Discovery Form for next steps.
  3. The Teaching & Learning Excellence Division badging administrator will review the submission, follow-up with a meeting to answer any questions, and walk the requestor through the intake process for officially requesting a badge within Suitable.
  4. The requestor will be provided the link to submit the official form to develop a new Micro-Credential. This form collects all of the information necessary for loading the badge into Suitable, ACC’s badging platform.
  5. The TLED badging administrator will review the submission, follow-up with any questions, and begin loading the data into Suitable as well as develop the visual badge in alignment with ACC branding standards.
  6. The TLED badging administrator will contact the badge requestor to provide training, collect feedback on the information and visual badge within Suitable, and collect final approval.

Once these steps are completed, the badge can now be awarded to users!

Achievement Badges

Achievement-based badges in micro-credentials offer a structured and transparent way to recognize and validate specific accomplishments, providing motivation and clear milestones for learners and professionals. Examples include: ACC Faculty Fellows, ACC Service Awards, DL Instructor of the Year Award

  1. Achievement badges do not need to be approved by the 3 approval levels above. These badges are approved by the badging administrator.
  2. The badge requester can fill out the Discovery Form for next steps.
  3. The Teaching & Learning Excellence Division badging administrator will review the submission, follow-up with a meeting to answer any questions, and walk the requestor through the intake process for officially requesting a badge within Suitable.
  4. The requestor will be provided the link to submit the official form to develop a new Micro-Credential. This form collects all of the information necessary for loading the badge into Suitable, ACC’s badging platform.
  5. The TLED badging administrator will review the submission, follow-up with any questions, and begin loading the data into Suitable as well as develop the visual badge in alignment with ACC branding standards.
  6. The TLED badging administrator will contact the badge requestor to provide training, collect feedback on the information and visual badge within Suitable, and collect final approval.

Once these steps are completed, the badge can now be awarded to users!

Participation Badges

Participation-based badges in micro-credentials are digital symbols awarded to individuals who have engaged in specific activities or events. These badges acknowledge involvement and effort rather than the demonstration of particular skills or the achievement of specific goals. Examples include: Attendance at General Assembly, Attendance at a PACS event, Student Attendance of 5 on campus student events.

  1. Participation badges do not need to be approved by the 3 approval levels above. These badges are approved by the badging administrator.
  2. The badge requester can fill out the Discovery Form for next steps.
  3. The Teaching & Learning Excellence Division badging administrator will review the submission, follow-up with a meeting to answer any questions, and walk the requestor through the intake process for officially requesting a badge within Suitable.
  4. The requestor will be provided the link to submit the official form to develop a new Micro-Credential. This form collects all of the information necessary for loading the badge into Suitable, ACC’s badging platform.
  5. The TLED badging administrator will review the submission, follow-up with any questions, and begin loading the data into Suitable as well as develop the visual badge in alignment with ACC branding standards.
  6. The TLED badging administrator will contact the badge requestor to provide training, collect feedback on the information and visual badge within Suitable, and collect final approval.

Once these steps are completed, the badge can now be awarded to users!

Interested in Learning More? Or ready to Develop a Badge?

Request a Discovery meeting. Discovery meetings can support faculty and staff who would like to determine what kind of micro-credential meets the needs of their program (competency, achievement, and participation), to learn more about the approval processes for micro-credentials at ACC, and to discuss the process for publishing a micro-credential in Suitable, ACC’s badging host, once your micro-credential is approved.