Photo of Jose Flores behind a mural

Jose Flores

Faculty Coordinator for Mexican American/Chicano Studies
Professor of English

P: 512.223.6132 F:
Office: RVS Bldg A Office # 2271



Professor Flores has taught at Austin Community College for 35 years. Before ACC, he taught English at Antioch University (four Years) and also held the position of Managing Editor CMAS/University of Texas Press. At ACC he has been awarded The Excellence in Teaching Award and the University of Texas NISOD Teaching Excellence award. In Spring 2012 and 2014 Professor Flores was nominated by students and faculty for the ACC Teaching Excellence award.

As poet and songwriter, Jose Flores Peregrino has been published in numerous anthologies and magazines; his first poetry collection “Mesquitierra,” Pajarito Publications, New, Mexico, 1977, is a celebrated example of the new voices of Chicano Literature. His song “Hace Falta Amor” is featured in the September 2010 PBS Documentary As Long as I Remember and is included in one of the two albums with El Conjunto Aztlan. His noted achievements include receiving a Lifetime Achievement Award from Radio Aztlan, the University of California Irving for Chicano music and poetry and an invitation to perform at the Smithsonian in Washington D.C. In 2019, Flores was appointed Faculty Coordinator, Mexican American/Chicano/a studies at ACC.


Teaching Philosophy

I teach students not English. Making my classes student-centered entails using a variety of approaches in delivering a lesson because each student brings with her an entire personal repertoire, a unique history, and a personal way of learning. Guiding a student to a successful completion in any of my courses is critical because a college education can make a difference between living a positive and engaged life and a negative and disengaged life, between a rewarding and affirming disposition and an attitude of malcontent and disappointment, between making healthy choices and unhealthy choices. Teaching is sweetness and light; I am doing what I love and getting paid for doing it.


Areas of Interest

Comparative Literature
Mexican and other Native American Studies
Curriculum Development


Courses Taught

ENGL 1302: Writing About Literature
ENGL 2351: Mexican American Studies