ACC Media Streaming
ACC Media Streaming
For more information, go to the ACC Media Streaming site.
Copyright Advice
Before publishing media files to the ACC Media Server or before uploading videos to a YouTube site, verify the copyright status of the media. Please, contact Courtney Mlinar, ACC Copyright Officer, at the Elgin Campus Library, phone 512-223-9433, for advice if you are not the copyright owner of a video or an audio-cast but you need the media for your class.
For more information, review the Guidelines at the ACC Copyright & Fair Use web site.
See the Creative Commons licensing options and share your work and use and remix works from other producers.
Captioning Services
Media Captioning is available to all ACC Faculty and Staff producers. Media must be captioned if you have deaf or hard of hearing students in your section. Closed captions are a visual representation of the audio in a video. They make video accessible to deaf and hard of hearing individuals by providing a text-based and time-synchronized alternative to the audio.
The FCC sets the captioning quality to requirements. As per 2014 FCC rules, captions are required to be:
- Accurate: Captions must match the spoken words in the dialogue and convey background noises and other sounds to the fullest extent possible.
- Synchronous: Captions must coincide with their corresponding spoken words and sounds to the greatest extent possible and must be displayed on the screen at a speed that can be read by viewers.
- Complete: Captions must run from the beginning to the end of the program to the fullest extent possible.
- Properly placed: Captions should not block other important visual content on the screen, overlap one another or run off the edge of the video screen.
Remember that quality is important when captioning your media for teaching and learning. Please, contact Virginia (Ginger) Bennett, Director of Interpreter Services, if you have any questions.
For more information, visit the Accessibility Services site or submit a request at
For support, visit the knowledge base knowledge base of the Office of Academic Technology.