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First Day™ Blackboard Course Set-up: W.W. Norton Content

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  4. First Day™ Blackboard Course Set-up: W.W. Norton Content

As an instructor for a First Day/Inclusive Access course, you will need to add the First Day Course Materials tool link in Blackboard so that students can opt-out of the program if they wish, during the designated period of time.

If an instructor intends to use solely the eBook, students will use this link to view the content as well as opting-out of the book fee should they decide to drop the course.  The First Day Course Materials tool link is also applicable if the instructor chooses to use Norton’s Single Sign-On (SSO) option for students to access publisher courseware such as InQuizitive or Smartwork5.  However, if an instructor chooses to provide links to the eBook and courseware in content areas via Publisher Direct, then students will use the First Day Course Materials tool link solely for opting-out of the book fee.

Watch the tutorial video below and follow the steps demonstrated to create your First Day Course Materials tool link and (if applicable) a Norton content area for the eBook and courseware.

Instructor support for product integration via web links in content areas can be found here.

Student support for First Day Inclusive Access for Norton products can be found at this resource page.

W.W. Norton customer support for either instructors or students can be obtained by completing an online support ticket request.

Contact Support

This article was created and is maintained by the Office of Academic Technology.

If you need assistance incorporating this article in your course, please contact an Educational Technologist.